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Margaret Thatcher esete a nyílt társadalom eszméjével

2021.11.06. 18:44 | jotunder | komment


 Amikor egy keményvonalas kommunista pártpropagandista egykori KISZ-titkár fia definiálja a magyarkonzervatizmust,  érdemes beleolvasni Margaret Thatcher  The Ideals of an Open Society című beszédébe.  Orbán és csahosai igen gyakran beszélnek arról a harcról, amit a nyít társadalom eszméje ellen vívnak, a Mandiner pártpropagandistái számára Karl Popper marxistának minősül (Popper akkor volt anti-marxista, amikor  Stefka István és Bencsik András khmm... nem annyira). Thatcher Hayektől, Milton Friedmantól és Karl Poppertől tanult, és e sorok szerzője nem rajong érte. Azt azonban nehéz elvitatni, hogy a Vaslady valódi konzervatív volt. 

1. " A hankering for absolutism, like a hankering for a single leader, is a throw-back to the past, not a foreshadowing of the future."

2. "The loss of empire did not mean the eclipse of everything for which this country stood in the past. On the contrary, if all the various achievements of Britain in history were totted up, our role in evolving a political democracy with a record of tolerance second to none would probably rank first."

3.  "First in importance among the things for which we stand must be the Rule of Law. This phrase means much more than a pious hope that everyone will be law-abiding."

4.  "The second characteristic of the Rule of Law in this country is that everyone, whatever their rank, should be subject to the ordinary law of the land. The law applies to the governors and the governed alike."

5.  " John Locke put the matter plainly when he said ‘Where Law disappears, tyranny begins’. Unless we restore and guard it the Rule of Law will generally fall into disrespect. If that were to happen, there is no certainty whatever about who would profit in the end. "

6.   "Our second main principle is our sense of the limit which we must impose on the power of the State."

7.   "The State's concern in economic affairs must be primarily to service the nation. Its task should be to ensure that as few obstacles as possible are placed in the way of our own pursuit of enterprise, not to try and organise how we should do that."

8.  "The essence of a free society is that there are whole areas of life where the State has no business at all, no right to intervene."

9.  "We cannot claim that our society is entirely a Christian one. Nor indeed would we claim that Christian societies are necessarily always good. But we are the heirs of a society whose religion and whose way of life has been Christian for century on century. Most of us whether Christian or not are thus inspired directly or indirectly by the absolute value which Christianity—deriving in part from the Old Testament and Greek philosophy—gives to the individual soul, and hence to man's innate responsibility for his own actions and omissions, and his duty to treat other men as he would have them treat him."

10. " But actually the streams flow down in different directions: one stream flows to a dark cold sea of further collectivisation, the other to the warm and bright sea of the Open Society."


         Magyarországon a konzervativizmus alapvetően a tehetségtelenséget jelenti. A matyikat és az oszkárokat, az MCC-t és a GFG-t, a Scruton kávézó ledér rezsimtündéreit és az Alapjogokért (anyátok picsáját, szerk. megj.) Központ hetykebajszos idiótáit, a Demeter Szilárd Kultúrharciebszalont és a Megadja Gábor Számlatömbházmesterképzőt, Prof. Dr. Bandi bácsit és Prof. Dr. Mari nénit, az országot beterítő intenzív ideológiai szarszagot. Pedig... Lehetne másképp. 

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