A mai hírekről Ice-T egy klasszikusa a Killer Mary Ann jutott eszünkbe.
(A számtól természetesen elhatárolódunk. Kérjük azon, tizenhat éven alatti vendégeinket, akiknek angol felsőfokú nyelvvizsgájuk van, hogy most azonnal hagyják abba az olvasást! Külön gyalázatosnak tartjuk, hogy Ice-T Mariska Hargitay hontestvérünkkel játszhat együtt a Law and Order: Special Victim Unit-ban. És a nejének is mekkora melle van! Gyalázat!)
Killer Mary Ann
This is not LA, it is your country brother
No bullets hit your kid
It's just Mary Ann's shit
Nobody gives a fuck
It's no gangsta rap
It is just a radio station in hard shit
Get the message, I like it
God damn it, she ain't soft
'cuz she makes love
with a bad daddy from the Party
Nobody gives a fuck
It's no gangsta rap
Her pimp is a big shot with a two-third shack
Fires his warning shot to your back
The Old Man in the Castle
Signs what you tell him brother
He is no homicidal maniac, only a mumfucker
Nobody gives a fuck
It's no gangsta rap
They want to fuck you
And if you let them fuck you, you deserve it
No bullets from a loaded twelve-gauge
Just words on a shitty sheet of paper
And the puppet and his boss put Mary Ann in charge
Nobody gives a fuck
It's no gangsta rap
They gonna shut your mouth
And you have no choice but ******** them.