A Vincent-blog elköltözött

Ez nektek vicces?

nem felejtünk.jpg




Jobban teljesít...

Orbán Pinocchio thumb.jpg


Itt az újabb történelmi csúcs

A központi költségvetés bruttó adóssága: 2010. május: 19.933,4 Mrd Ft; 2011. május: 21.116,5 Mrd Ft; 2012. május: 21.180,9 Mrd Ft; 2013. május: 21.765,4 Mrd Ft; 2014. október 24.736 Mrd Ft;2015. június 6. 24 847 Mrd F


Szűjjé má'!



Te már bekövetted?


Vincent tumblr Falus.JPG




Troll Vincent.jpg

Figyelem! A Vincent szerzői — főszabályként — maguk moderálják a posztjaikra érkező hozzászólásokat. Panaszaitokkal vagy a mellékhatásokkal a poszt írójához forduljatok!

Köszönettel: Vincent Anomália


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Az ukrán oktatási törvény nyelvhasználati cikkelye angolul

2017.09.10. 23:12 | jotunder | 30 komment


Sikerült letöltenem a Verkhovna Rada oldaláról. Ez itt a google fordítás az eredeti ukrán szövegből. Egész jól érthető. 


Article 7. Language of education
1. The language of the educational process in educational institutions is the state language.
The state provides every citizen of Ukraine with the right to receive formal education at all levels (pre-school, general secondary, vocational (vocational), professional and advanced) and extracurricular and postgraduate education in the state language in state and communal institutions.
Persons belonging to indigenous peoples and national minorities of Ukraine are guaranteed the right to study in their native language along with the Ukrainian language in communal institutions of pre-school and general secondary education. This right is exercised through separate educational institutions, classes (groups) with instruction in the language of the respective national minority and the indigenous people of Ukraine along with the Ukrainian language, which are created in accordance with the legislation, and does not apply to educational institutions, classes (groups) with instruction in the Ukrainian language. Individuals belonging to indigenous peoples and national minorities in Ukraine are also guaranteed the right to study their mother tongue in state and municipal educational institutions or through national cultural societies.
For persons with hearing impairment, the right to learn a sign language and to study the Ukrainian sign language is provided.
2. Educational institutions provide compulsory study of the state language, in particular, in vocational (vocational), vocational and higher education institutions to the extent that allows them to carry out professional activities in the chosen field using the state language.
For persons belonging to national minorities, foreigners and stateless persons are provided with proper conditions for studying the state language.
3. The state contributes to the study of languages ​​of international communication, primarily English, in state and municipal educational institutions.
4. In educational establishments one or more disciplines in two or more languages ​​(in the official language, in English, in other official languages ​​of the European Union) can be taught in accordance with the educational program.
5. At the request of applicants for vocational and higher education, educational institutions create opportunities for studying them as a minority language as discipline to the extent that enables them to carry out professional activities in the chosen industry using this language.
6. The state shall facilitate the establishment and functioning of educational establishments abroad, in which Ukrainian is taught or the Ukrainian language is taught.
7. Features of the use of languages ​​in certain types and levels of education are determined by special laws.

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