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Bréking: WikiLeaks szupertitkos dokumentumok az Orbán kontra luxemburgi külügyminiszter ügyről

2010.12.30. 02:00 | ulloiut | 14 komment

Címkék: abszurd szijjártó ashton wikileaks assange assenborn

Ezeket a megdöbbentő dokumentumokat a Vincent régi barátja, Assange Gyuszi küldte szerkesztőségünknek. Sajnos angolul vannak, de így is szeretnénk megosztani olvasóinkkal.

The incredible true story of why Orbán was called a dictator

By hacking into EU servers, WikiLeaks has uncovered the story of how Luxembourg’s socialist(!) Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn came to make his infamous statement alleging that Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán is a “dictator”. On the surface, it appeared to be about the draconian new media law in Hungary. While the correspondence below made public by WikiLeaks is not conclusive evidence, the heated exchanges do suggest that – just as the Hungarian government has claimed – there is indeed a vast international anti-Fidesz conspiracy controlled by the communist opposition in Hungary. Above all, however, the story illustrates the potential disastrous effects of a malfunctioning e-mail server.

From: Catherine Ashton <catherine.ashton@eu-commission.eu> 

To: Jean Asselborn <szijjarto@ner.hu>

Subject: Orbán is going nuts again

Date: 2010/12/20

Hey Jean,

Did you see this?

Hungarian media law further endangers media freedom, says OSCE media freedom representative

These people are lunatics. Why can’t these goddamn Eastern Europeans come up with a normal government for once???? Gotta go, Rompi on the phone.   

Love, Cath


From: Szijjártó Péter <szijjarto@ner.hu>

To: Catherine Ashton <catherine.ashton@eu-commission.eu>

Subject: Out of Office: Re: Orbán is going nuts again

Date: 2010/12/20

I am not in my office right now, I will return at 15:00 CET.

Dr. Szijjártó Péter

Minister of State/Senator

Spokesman for His Excellency Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of the Republic Hungary


From: Catherine Ashton <catherine.ashton@eu-commission.eu>

To: Jean Asselborn <szijjarto@ner.hu>

Subject: Fwd: Orbán is going nuts again

Date: 2010/12/20

Oopsy-daisy. My most profound apologies, Ms Szijjártó. I am utterly flustered by this turn of events, but I meant to write to my colleague Jean Asselborn in Luxembourg. It appears that our e-mail system is (again) mismatching names in the address book with other persons’ e-mail addresses, which is why you received my previous message in error. You wouldn’t believe the money we spent on this system and it still keeps doing that. (I think the contractor was Slovakian, btw). Just last week, I meant to e-mail Hillary Clinton some confidential information concerning EU-American bilateral relations and the message went instead to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, of all people. 

I cannot tell you how profoundly sorry and embarrassed I am, and I would like to inform you, and of course His Excellency the Prime Minister, that my private message did not at all refer to him or the Hungarian government. In fact, I was writing to Mr Asselborn on a matter entirely unrelated to the events going on in Hungary and any interpretation suggesting otherwise would be mistaken.

At the same time, I must unfortunately also take this opportunity to regretfully inform you that we will not be able to post the Political Declaration of the Hungarian National Assembly on National Cooperation (hereinafter: NENYI) in the European Parliament and the European Commission building, the Berlaymont. While you are technically correct in saying that these are public buildings and as such subject to the legal requirement that they display the NENYI, we feel obliged to point out that as of yet Brussels is not in all matters required to follow Hungarian laws.

I hope you understand our difficult position and I wish to emphasise our infinite goodwill towards yourself, the Prime Minister and the Hungarian National System of Cooperation (NER).

Yours sincerely,

Baroness Catherine Ashton

High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy


From: Catherine Ashton <catherine.ashton@eu-commission.eu>

To: Jean Asselborn <szijjarto@ner.hu>

Subject: Fwd: Fwd: Orbán is going nuts again

Date: 2010/12/20

Dang. I meant Mr Szijjártó of course. So sorry. Would you believe the same thing happened to me with that Ahmadinejad fellow last week?


From: Szijjártó Péter <szijjarto@ner.hu>

To: Catherine Ashton <catherine.ashton@eu-commission.eu>

Subject: Re: Fwd: Fwd: Orbán is going nuts again

Date: 2010/12/20

Dear Madame/Miladi Aston,

Thank you very much most for nice message, all so many of them. I would gladder to respond most now for nice e-mail you sending the hungarian government, but sorrz no translator offizial here now and I do not completelz understand. This here takarítónő (you know, washy-washy lady) typing for Mr. Szijjártó Péter, senator and minister of state. Please wish you to see that offizial regulations of hungary’s government say even washy-washy lady must wirte english! This real national cooperation (NER), which we will bring to EU too!

Tomorrow answer much more with offizial translator. Thank you patience.

Nicer future!

Dr. Szijjártó Péter

Minister of State/Senator

Spokesman for His Excellency Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of the Republic Hungary


From: Prőhle Gergely <fidesz@mindenamienk.ner.hu>

To: Catherine Ashton <catherine.ashton@eu-commission.eu>

Subject: Re: Fwd: Fwd: Orbán is going nuts again

Date: 2010/12/21

Dear Baroness Ashton,

I am in receipt of your letter sent yesterday to my colleague Péter Szijjártó, Spokesman for His Excellency Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. In the name of the Hungarian government and the System of (Inter)National Cooperation, we must protest most vehemently against the insinuations questioning the Prime Minister’s sanity in your first message.

We require an urgent and public apology for your unacceptable statement.

Furthermore, we must insist that you do display the NENYI in all EU buildings. We might make an exception for some restrooms, but apart from that we require NENYI coverage to be complete.

To facilitate this process, we wish to remind you that the wife of our Minister for the National Economy, Mrs György Matolcsy, now handles all European pension accounts. As you know, we are committed to your free choice in all matters relating to your private retirement savings, and to show you the depth of our commitment to your free choice, we might choose to nationalise your account for you. 

We also know where you live.

We look forward to your detailed and public apology.


Dr. Gergely Prőhle

Executive Vice President/Minister of State

Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

PS: You have until 1 PM tomorrow to comply with our demands.


From: Catherine Ashton <catherine.ashton@eu-commission.eu>

To: Prőhle Gergely <hugo.chavez@system.of.national.cooperation.ve>, Szijjártó Péter <mahmud.ahmedinejad@system.of.national.cooperation.ir>

Cc: Jean Asselborn <socialist.agent@mszp.hu>

Subject: Re: Re: Fwd: Fwd: Orbán is going nuts again

Date: 2010/12/21

Dear Mr Prőhle,

While I understand your frustration, I must point out that physically threatening an EU official is not acceptable practice in European circles. Neither are our pensions in Brussels fair game for the Hungarian government’s nationalisation policies. There is a reason it’s called nationalisation. Also, we do not normally use terms such as “comply with our demands” in intra-EU communication.

As for the NENYI, I must decline again.

I am sorry that security revoked your entry authorisation to European Parliament and European Commission facilities. It appears that the cyber division of our security team flagged your message because of its menacing language and determined that you are a threat. We are working to clear up the misunderstanding.


Baroness Catherine Ashton

High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy


From: Citibank <huge.eurocrat.accounts@citi-international.com>

To: Catherine Ashton <ashton@poorhouse.brussels.eu>

Subject: Account closure

Date: 2010/12/22

Dear Baroness Ashton,

As per your request, we have closed your account and transferred your retirement funds to the Hungarian State Treasury. It was an honour to manage your account over the past thirty years and we are glad that you have chosen such a worthy successor to handle your savings. I dare say, your retirement years could not be in safer hands!

Yours sincerely,

Mrs György Matolcsy

Citibank, Eurocrats & Other International Conspirators’ Money Management Division


From: Herman van Rompuy <rompi@private.eurocrats.eu>

To: Catherine Ashton <assange@wikileaks.org>

Cc: Jean Asselborn <damned.communist@rosa.luxemburg.gov>

Subject: Re: Re: Re: Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: Orbán is going nuts again

Date: 2010/12/23

Jean, Cathy, you gotta stop this now. We have enough trouble with the whole “dictator” scandal as it is. The German liberals are going crazy and demand sanctions against Budapest. Jeez, you’d think Stalin is haunting Hungary again.

Also, my former boss Wilfried Martens just called and he was very agitated. He was speaking French to me, and that’s always a bad sign. He said Orbán was a great European and he hasn’t liked any Hungarian politician this much since that Kádár guy visited him in 1987 (omg, this guy Wilfried has been around forever, no?). So he says to back off.

And then there is my security policy adviser who argues that we must stop infuriating every little tinpot dictator because one day one of them will go and build a nuke and blast us all to hell. No thank you, right?

So I decided that annoying as they may be, the German liberals should be easiest to handle. I can’t stand Wilfried speaking French and I most certainly don’t want to be nuked. 

Luv ya guys, à bientôt,


PS: Cathy, do you have any idea why the folks here at the Berlaymont can’t access their private pension accounts?

PPS: Jean, are we still on for lunch next Tuesday? Will you take me again to that favourite restaurant of yours, “Chez Communist Restoration in Hungary”?


From: EU E-mail Administrator <fidesz@mindenamienk.ner.hu>

To: Herman Van Rompuy <rompuy@ner.hu>

Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure) Re: Re: Re: Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: Orbán is going nuts again

Date: 2010/12/23

Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently: Ashton, Catherine



Dr. Annamária Szalai

President, Hungarian National Media and Telecommunication Authority


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